Bộ 5 đề ôn tập hè Tiếng Anh 1 năm 2021 Trường Tiểu học Sao Mai



1. Đề số 1

I. Chọn từ khác loại.

1. A. ten

B. six

C. do

2. A. one

B. orange

C. banana

3. A. living room

B. classroom

C. kitchen

4. A. cat

B. teddy bears

C. fish

5. A. he

B. slide

C. swing

II. Complete the sentence.

many; years; room; five; old;

1. This is my bed ________.

2. How _____ dogs?

3. There are _______ cars.

4. How _______ are you?

5. I am seven _______ old.

III. Reorder.

1. school/ This/ my/ is/ ./


2. Lisa/ How/ is/ old/ ?


3. balls/ How/ many/ ?


4. banana/ I/ a/ want/ ./


5. sorry/ am/ I/ ./


IV. Read and match.



1. Lisa needs some

a. doll.

2. Thank

b. apple.

3. Mai wants a

c. fish.

4. Touch your

d. you

5. Bobby has an

e. hand.


I. Chọn từ khác loại.

1 - C; 2 - A; 3 - B; 4 - B; 5 - A;

II. Complete the sentence.

1. This is my bed ___room_____.

2. How __many___ dogs?

3. There are ___five____ cars.

4. How ____old___ are you?

5. I am seven __years_____ old.

III. Reorder.

1 - This is my school.

2 - How old is Lisa.

3 - How many balls?

4 - I want a banana.

5 - I am sorry.

IV. Read and match.

1 - c; 2 - d; 3 - a; 4 - e; 5 - b;

2. Đề số 2

I. Nối.



1. Nine

a. Con chó

2. Car

b. Số 8

3. Dog

c. Ô tô, xe hơi

4. Bedroom

d. Số 9

5. eight

e. Phòng ngủ

II. Reorder.

1. cat/ This/ a/ is/ .


2. How/ cars/ many/ ?


3. two/ Nam/ teddy bears/ has/ .


4. a/ have/ I/ dog/ ./


5. old/ he/ How/ is/ ?


III. Choose the odd one out.

1. A. swim

B. What

C. walk

2. A. two

B. four

C. How

3. A. boy

B. cat

C. hippo

4. A. teddy bear

B. ball

C. many

5. A. This

B. bedroom

C. kitchen


I. Nối.

1 - d; 2 - c; 3 - a; 4 - e; 5 - b;

II. Reorder.

1 - This is a cat.

2 - How many cars?

3 - Nam has two teddy bears.

4 - I have a dog.

5 - How old is he?

III. Choose the odd one out.

1 - B; 2 - C; 3 - A; 4 - C; 5 - A;

3. Đề số 3

Read and match.



1. Lisa needs a

a. apple

2. Thank

b. tomato

3. Mai wants some

c. eggs.

4. Touch your

d. you

5. Bobby has an

e. head.

Sắp xếp.

1. living room/ This/ my/ is/ .


2. How/ kites/ many/ ?


3. two/ I/ trucks/ have/ .


4. an/ want/ I/ orange/ ./


5. old/ Peter/ How/ is/ ?


Choose the odd one out.

1. A. sing

B. What

C. run

2. A. one

B. Where

C. How

3. A. dog

B. cat

C. Lisa

4. A. teddy bear

B. much

C. many

5. A. This

B. living room

C. kitchen


Read and match.

1 - b; 2 - d; 3 - c; 4 - e; 5 - a;

Sắp xếp.

1 - This is my living room.

2 - How many kites?

3 - I have two trucks.

4 - I want an orange.

5 - How old is Peter.

Choose the odd one out.

1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - C; 4 - A; 5 - A;

4. Đề số 4

I/ Match

1. What’s this?

A. They’re kangaroos

2. How old are you?

B. No. It’s a truck

3. What are they?

C. I’m seven

4. What color is it?

D. It’s a plane

5. Is it a car?

E. It’s pink and white

II/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences

1. two/ I/ sandwiches/ have/ ./


2. the/ at/ jelly/ Look/ ./


3. This/ my/ is/ ball/ T-shirt./ my/ and/


4. name/ your/ Write/ ./


5. The/ the/ tub./ is/ in/ bird/


6. you/ A/ for/ green/ is/ pen/ ./


7. school/ for/ Time/ ./


8. kitchen./ the/ Mom/ in/ is/


9. toy/ This/ my/ favorite/ is/ ./



I/ Match

1. D

2. C

3. A

4. E

5. B

II/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences

1. I have two sandwiches.

2. Look at the jelly.

3. This is my ball and my T-shirt.

4. Write your name.

5. The bird is in the tub.

6. A green pen is for you.

7. Time for school.

8. Mom is in the kitchen.

9. This is my favorite toy.

5. Đề số 5

I/ Write “a” or “an”

1. _____________ umbrella

2. _____________ plane

3. _____________ apple

4. _____________ orange

5. _____________ book

II/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences

1. is/ What/ it/ ?/


2. What/ name/ is/ his/ ?/


3. grandpa/ I/ my/ love/ ./


4. hands/ She/ has/ two/ ./


5. car/ blue/ is/ This/ ./


6. He/ pen/ has/ red/ a/ ./


7. are/ five/ There/ mops/ ./


III/ Match

1. How old are you?

A. I like pink and blue

2. What is this?

B. I’m six

3. What is your favorite color?

C. It’s a truck

4. Is it a car?

D. My name’s Bin

5. What’s your name?

E. No, it’s a plane


I/ Write “a” or “an”

1. ______an_______ umbrella

2. ______a_______ plane

3. ______an_______ apple

4. ______an_______ orange

5. ______a_______ book

II/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences

1. What is it?

2. What is his name?

3. I love my grandpa.

4. She has two hands.

5. This car is blue.

6. He has a red pen.

7. There are five mops.

III/ Match

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. E

5. D


Trên đây là toàn bộ nội dung tài liệu Bộ 5 đề ôn tập hè Tiếng Anh 1 năm 2021 Trường Tiểu học Sao Mai. Để xem thêm nhiều tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích khác các em chọn chức năng xem online hoặc đăng nhập vào trang Chúng tôi để tải tài liệu về máy tính.

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